CSR Policy

CSR Policy

Gender equality index :


Pay gap

Winat least 1 point
Corrective action *1


Difference in the rate of individual increases (excluding promotions)


Difference in promotion rates


Percentage of employees who received a raise within one year of returning from maternity leave


Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the 10 highest paid employees

At least 5/10
Corrective action *2

Index on 100 points


  1. The Company undertakes to:
    - participate, at the very least, in a job fair by the end of the year in order to raise awareness of its professions, particularly among women
    - receive, during recruitment, female applications provided that they correspond to the criteria of the offer and/or the profiles sought, and at least one application of each sex at the final interview
    - carry out an analysis of remuneration before March 31, 2024 in order to ensure that there are no unjustified pay gaps and, propose to the staff concerned, where appropriate, a salary readjustment as early as April
    - be vigilant in guaranteeing equality between women and men whether in the distribution of envelopes allocated at the time of increases or at the time of hirings.
  2. In the event of recruitment for this level of position, the Company undertakes to receive any female applications it may have received, provided they match the criteria of the vacancy and/or the profiles sought, and at least one application of each sex final interview.